Milkshakes, Strawberries & Photographs

…and not forgetting friendship!

I was so honoured when Lisa (the creative mind behind beautiful Little Henrio) reached out to me the first time, back in July. We hit it off straight away, Lisa is really fun to be around, and even better - our kids got along!

So when Lisa got in touch to say she would like me to capture some more of her gorgeous makes I jumped at the chance.


Naturally, there was coffee and cake involved when we met at Ricardoes Tomatoes. The children enjoyed a cake in their gorgeous matching outfits. The fun sweet treats print was actually designed by Lisa’s nephew and is super cute! The detail on the sleeve of Ruby’s dress was just so pretty.

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After our refreshments, which were absolutely delicious, we ventured out for some strawberry picking. The kids absolutely loved finding and choosing which strawberries to pick and I had so much fun photographing them.

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Ricardoes makes a gorgeous location, filtering the light beautifully. The dress worn by Ruby has a real ‘dorothy’ vibe, so pretty with it’s cute print.

It’s so funny to think when I first picked up my camera I was adamant that I didn’t want to take photo’s of people, and now I absolutely love it! Oh, and the strawberries we picked didn’t even make it home, just too delicious!